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Week 3

For the next two weeks we will discuss the spiritual temple of God.

The Temple of God

Song for the week: My Body is a Temple

Coloring Pages: 1 and 2

Worksheets: 1 and 2


For the last two weeks we have been talking about the tabernacle.  How it was Gods dwelling place among the children of Israel.  This week we will talk about the temple of God.  Do you know what is the temple of God today? It's actually you!   Yes, that's right the temple of God is your body!  God wants His spirit to dwell in you, so He can lead you and guide you into all truth.  Let's look at this scripture which is also your memory verse for the week.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

We will look at how God wants us to treat His temple:

In the scripture above it says that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost therefore we must glorify God in your body and in your spirit.

First, we want to look at Psalm 100.  God made us! We belong to Him! So, if I had a pet turtle and I purchased him with my money then he belongs to me.  I am the one who takes care of him and set the standards for his life and wellbeing.  God is the one who made u and Jesus is the one that purchased us with His own blood (dying on the cross), so we belong to Him.  Therefore, He sets the standards in how we ought to live and carry ourselves in this life.  So, the word says that we should glorify God in our bodies.  How do we do that?

Homework. Write down how you think we can glorify God in our bodies.

Let's Pray.  Dear Lord, thank you for purchasing us with your own blood.  Help us to glorify you in our bodies.  In Jesus name, Amen! 



  • How can we glorify God in our bodies.  One thing we know is God made these bodies and some important things that keeps our body clean and healthy is:

    • Staying clean by way of bath or shower.​

    • Eating healthy

    • Staying active

    • Not intentionally putting harmful things in our bodies: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs ext...

  • These things we should already know to do to take care of our bodies.  What are some other ways we can take care of our bodies?  The Bible also tells us not to put cuttings in our flesh or markings on our bodies basically tattoos and piercings.  See here: Leviticus 19:28. You may say what's wrong with tattoos and piercings.  Let's look at these two pictures, can you tell which one looks like they glorify God?

  • Picture 1

  • Picture 2

  • When God made you, He said it was good.  He made your hair the color/texture, your skin complexion.  You are His masterpiece, and He doesn't want you marking it up or putting holes in your body.  When we just be who God made us to be and take care of our bodies then we are glorifying God in our body!

  • Let's pray! Dear Lord, thank you for making me the way you did!  Help me to glorify you in all that I do!  In Jesus name, Amen!


  • ATTN: PARENTS.  For this subject you may go in detail how you may like depending on the age of the child.

  • As we look at our memory verse today.  The scripture above it says to flee fornication. Fornication is sin against the body, and it does not bring God glory.  We are one spirit with the Lord and so we must do all things to bring Him glory!  His ways are the right way, and He says it is good for a man to not touch a woman but let him or her have their own wife and her own husband. Amen.  God wants His daughters to stay chaste until she has a husband and His sons to stay chaste until he marries a wife.

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for your ways being higher than ours!  Help me to stay chaste until the right time! Thank you, Jesus!  In Jesus name, Amen.  


  • I hope you are enjoying these lessons!  Today we will look at more scriptures.

  • Mathew 6:22-23

  • Mark 7:21-23

  • These scripture talks about the body and within.  We see in the first scripture it talks about how the eye being single the body shall be full of light.  What does that mean in your own words. Write it down.  If the eye is single that means it is on Christ and Christ alone, not the things of this world, not people, not the government, riches or wealth but Christ alone.  Jesus is the light of the wolrd and when we have Jesus in our heart and keep our eyes on Him then He gives us light and help us to be the light.  When our eye isn't single but its worried about getting rich, wealth, making a name for yourself, people, and things of this world then you will be full of darknesss.  The effects of your eye not being single are in the next set of scriptures Mark 7:21-23

  • Those things that are within will come out and defile you!  We need to keep our focus on Him because when we decide to take our focus off Jesus we will definitely sink and drown!  What does that mean?  Well lets read this story of one of Jesus disciples who took His eyes off Jesus and began to sink: Mathew 14:24-32.

  • Peter took his eyes off Jesus and was beginning to sink.  The same for us when we take our focus off Jesus its like a slow fade we will began to get weaker and not as strong and the enemy will see that and try to put more things in our life to take us off focus like more video games, latest clothes, friends and we will soon forget about Jesus and eventually go back into sin.  So lets keep a single eye and stay strong in the Lord by praying, listening to your parents, obeying the word, reading your Bible and keeping away from people and things that do not please God!

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me this far in my walk with you! Please help me to have a single eye so my whole body will be full of light! In Jesus name, Amen!




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