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Week 2

This week will be a continuation of our last week's lesson.

The Tabernacle

Short Video: The Tabernacle - Bible story for kids - YouTube

Coloring Sheets: 1, 2

Worksheets: 1, 2


Welcome back students! Today we will pick up where we left off with the pattern of worship! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! 

  1. The Altar of Incense: Exodus 30:1-10

    1. The Lord required that special incense be burned constantly on the altar of incense.  It was a special sweet incense, a mixture of spices to be used only for the tabernacle.  God specifically required this recipe.  None other was to be burned on the altar.  It was a matter of life and death, as Lev. 10:1-2 clearly shows us, when two of Aaron sons offered a "strange fire" before the Lord and were struck dead.  ​

  2. The Veil: Exodus 26:33, 30:10

    1. The veil separated the holy place from the most holy place where the ark of the covenant was kept.  It was a barrier between God and man.  Once a year, Aaron would enter the Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies) through the veil.​

  3. The Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat: Exodus 25:10, 14-16; 25:22; Hebrews 9

    1. The central focus of the entire tabernacle was the Most Holy Place (Holy of Holies) where God spoke to the high priest above the mercy seat--the area where the winged cherubim face each other. Annually, the high priest would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat to atone for the sins of all the people.​

  4. Homework: Take one the patterns of worship and write down the spiritual side of it.

  5. Let's Pray!  Thank you, Lord, for leaving your word on record for us and dying on the cross so that we can live free, help me to continue in your love and be steadfast.


We will look at other important keys to the Tabernacle today.

  • The High Priest and the Holy Garments

    • Exodus 28:1-43​​

    • The priest's life was dedicated to serving the Lord and representing the people before their God.  The design of the priestly garments was an expression of God's righteousness and merciful love for His people.

    • Look at this picture:












Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for setting things in place for us please help to trust your plan because your ways and thoughts are higher than ours! In Jesus name, Amen!


​Today we will continue on with the important keys of the Tabernacle:

Read some of these verses in your own Bible and we will discuss the spiritual side to this next week!

  • The Gate of the court

    • Exodus 27:16; 38:18-19​

  • The Offerings

    • Hebrews 8:3; 9:11-14, 18-22, 10:1-4​

  • The Court Fence

    • Exodus 27:9-18; 38:9-17; 40:33​

  • The Cloud and the Pillar of Fire

    • Exodus 25:8,22;29:43; 40:34-38

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for being so special to me and calling me your own please help me to follow you no matter what! In Jesus name, Amen!


Today we will sum up what is a Tabernacle?

  • The tabernacle was a moveable "tent of meeting" that God commanded Moses to build.  God wanted to dwell among His people, the Israelites.  He wanted to have fellowship with them and be able to communicate with them. 

  • The tabernacle and its courtyard were constructed according to a pattern set by God, not by Moses.  We study the tabernacle to understand the steps that the Lord laid out for sinful people to approach a holy God.  The tabernacle became the place that God dwelt with His people for 400 years: from the exodus until the time of King Solomon when the temple was built. 

  • The tabernacle was in the center of the Israelite camp.  The 12 tribes of Israel were encamped around it.  The total of them would be 603,550.

  • Next week we will understand Gods plan a little better and how the tabernacle compares to us today!

  • Homework: Now that you have a better idea of how the tabernacle was constructed.  Try to construct your own.  You can use cardboard boxes, tissue rolls, card stock paper who knows let your imagination run wild! 

  • Let's pray!  Lord thank you for your great plan of salvation! Help me to live a life free from sin and anything that displeases you! In Jesus name, Amen!



Thats it for this week please view this video and enjoy your weekend!

Video: Here



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