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Week 4

This is our final week/lesson for the month of September about the temple of God.  This week we will be focusing on the book of Hebrews.

A Better Sanctuary

Song for the week: Walking in the light of God

Coloring Pages:  Here and here

Worksheets: Here and here and here


  • Reminder: Listen to your weekly song, do your sheets and go over memory verse!

  • Remember when we talked about the tabernacle in the beginning and how it was just a shadow of things to come! When you think about your shadow it is a figure of you but it's not you!  The same with the tabernacle, it was only a shadow of the real tabernacle to come.  We will be discussing that this week! Be prepared to do a lot of reading, but it is for your good to help with understanding!  Let's first turn to Hebrews 8:1-7

  • The tabernacle that Moses pitched was under the first covenant.  The Levitical priesthood was over the different ordinances, and they would sacrifice animals for their sins and the people.  The priest was the only one to enter the Holy of Holies section in the tabernacle.  Until Jesus!  Jesus ushered in the new covenant, and He became our high priest, only Jesus did not have to make a sacrifice for His sins because Jesus was without sin!  He was perfect therefore being the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world.  Because the people under the old covenant had to bring perfect lambs and animals without spot or blemishes to be sacrificed.  Jesus was the perfect sacrifice because He had no sin.  John said "Behold the lamb of God" when he saw Jesus coming.  When He died on the cross, He died for our sins that whosoever call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!  Isn't that wonderful!

  • Homework.  Read the rest of the chapter 8 so we can be ready to discuss it tomorrow!

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for dying for my sins and ushering in a new covenant that allows anyone who wants to be saved.  Please bless me to love you and love others.  In Jesus name, Amen.


  • Reminder: Listen to your weekly song, do your sheets and go over memory verse!

  • Today we will be reading the rest of Hebrews 8:8-13.

  • These scriptures in Hebrews are talking about how God was going to make a new covenant because in the old covenant the people did not keep His laws and statutes but with the new covenant, He said I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people! Amen, so under the new covenant God was going to help us to remember His word and His statutes, because He would put His spirit within us to help us to not only remember but to also live right!  Let's look at these scriptures: 2 Corinthians 6:16; Eziekiel 11:9.

  • The first scripture in Corinthians God says I will dwell in them, and they shall be my people.  The second scripture in Eziekiel says I will give them a new spirit and one heart in that day!  He was talking about the new covenant or another name for it is the Day of Grace.  So, in this day God dwells in our temple (body) by the Holy Spirit, teaching us and admonition us to live right.  He guides us and leads us into all truth.  John 16:13.  So we can be one with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen!

  • Homework. Find other scriptures that talk about the Holy Spirit.

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for dwelling in me and helping me to live right!  Please help me to always stay on the righteous path!  In Jesus name, Amen!


  • Reminder: Listen to your weekly song, do your sheets and go over memory verse!

  • Today we will look at Hebrews 9:1-14.

  • In this lesson today we see in Hebrews that the first set of scriptures talked about how the tabernacle was set up and the worldly ordnances that they had to accomplish even how the high priest could only go in the holy of holies alone once a year with blood to offer for himself and for the sins of the people.  It also explains that Jesus being our high priest entered in once and for all.  The first covenant could not make us perfect, but the people still sinned.  The second covenant Jesus's sacrifice, He made away for us to be perfect as He is perfect! (Mathew 5:42)  He made away for us to not have to continue in sin but to be free from sin!  Also, with Jesus sacrifice we can enter into the holy of holies by the Holy Spirit and be holy as He is holy!

  • Meditate on this lesson and ask the Lord to give you understanding, also you may ask your parents if you need more understanding.

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for sending your Son to be the perfect sacrifice for us!  Help us to honor His sacrifice by giving our life to you! In Jesus name, Amen!


  • Reminder: Listen to your weekly song, do your sheets and go over memory verse!

  • Today we will be reading Hebrews 9:15-28

  • Have you ever heard the saying that we are covered by the blood! Well, it is true!  Jesus's blood covers us because He sacrificed Himself for our sins.  In these verses it talks about how the high priest would come with the blood of a lamb and sprinkle the blood on the tabernacle and all the vessels of ministry.  When Jesus died on the cross, He was the perfect lamb that was sacrificed.  So, when we get saved, His blood covers our vessel, our temple, which is our body the temple of the Holy Ghost! Are you getting it! I sure hope so! Today I want you to write an essay of what you have learned this month and then on that same paper draw a picture of God's old tabernacle and God's new temple!

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for your sacrifice! If it wasn't for you there would be no remission for sin but because you went to that cross, you saved me! Thank you, Jesus! Amen.


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