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Week 3

Romans 2:4

King James Version

4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Goodness and Faith


Goodness- the state or quality of being good.

moral excellence; virtue.

Faith-the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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Fruit: Goodness

Song: Goodness

Coloring Sheet: Banana

Worksheet: Sheet

  • Today we will be talking about being good! It's so many scriptures that talk about being good. But we will focus on a few.  When we think about our Christian walk we ought to be like Christ.  Jesus went about doing good! So should we!  Let's ask our first question who should we do good too?

  • Look up these scriptures to see: Galatians 6:10, Mathew 5:44, Hebrews 13:16

  • They talk about doing good to the household of faith and to your enemies! We should do good to everyone no matter what because we are doing it unto the Lord not to men, Ephesians 6:7.  That means when we are good to others, and we are being good we are pleasing to the Lord!

  • And you know what else if we do good then good things will happen to us as well read: Ephesians 6:8.

  • Write in your notebook ways you can do good to others.

  • When was the last time you did something good for your mother, father or sister and brother?  If you can't remember, oh no!  You should always be thinking of ways to do good! Whether its helping mom with the dishes or helping dad rake leaves or helping your sister and brother.  We go about doing good just like Jesus!

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for your goodness towards me even when I didn't deserve it, please help me to be good and to show goodness to others! In Jesus name, Amen!



Fruit: Goodness

Song: King of my Heart

Coloring Sheet: Flower

  • Good day! Have you been thinking about goodness?  What are your thoughts?  Have you been thinking about ways you can be good and do good?

  • As you consider being good, I also want you to think about this, you can think you are a good person, but God knows the heart.  Many people believe they are good and that will get them into Heaven.  But we have to be born again, saved filled with His spirit! Only then can He teach us to be good.  It's a scripture in Proverbs 14:12 that says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  We can think we are right and can be so wrong! Make sure you are spending time in prayer asking the Lord to show you yourself, so you can be good. And when the Holy Spirit shows you, yourself don't grieve Him but listen and obey.

  • We need God! Write this scripture down and write down what you think it means Philippians 2:13.

  • Homework: Find 5scriptures as you can that talks about goodness and write them in your notebook! A good resource to use is Bible Gateway (ask your parent to show you how to look up words in the Bible)

  • Let's pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for being so good to me.  Help me to be good according to your righteousness and not my own righteousness.  I trust you, Lord!  In Jesus name, Amen.

  • ​


Fruit: Faith

Song: F.A.I.T.H

Worksheet: Faith For Each Day

Games and Crafts: Here

  • There is so much we can talk about when comes to faith!  It takes faith to even be here learning about the Lord!  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  So, we don't see it, but we believe it! Like we don't see God, but we believe He exists because He is real in our lives, we see how He speaks to our hearts, how He answers our prayers, and how He changes us from the old man to the new.  Only God can do that! When we believe, nothing shall be impossible to them that believe! Mark 9:23.  

  • Now let's look at faith!  Who were some of the patriarchs that had faith?  Write down in your notebook who had faith. Hint (Read Hebrews 11)

  • In what ways did they have faith? How does this make you feel? I know when I read about faith it makes me excited to know that I can have faith and trust in the living God, and He will come through for me just like He did for them.

  • Homework: Write down other patriarchs that are not mentioned in Hebrews 12 that also had faith.

  • When we look at Jesus, He told His disciple if we had faith as small as a grain of mustard seed, we can move mountains.  Do you know how small a grain of a mustard seed is?  Well guess what I have a picture right here.

  • Think about that as you go about your day today! How can I increase my faith we will talk more about that tomorrow!

  • Lets Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for always being there for me even in times when I can't see what you are doing yet you always work it out.  Help my faith to grow! In Jesus name, Amen.


Fruit: Faith

Song: Mustard Seed Faith 

Coloring Page: Mustard Seed

Worksheet: Crossword

  • So how do you increase your faith?  The word says faith is the substance of things hoped for....  What is the substance?  The word of God is the substance!  You must read your word! In Timothy it says to study to show yourself approved! 2 Timothy 2:5

  • When we read the word of God it increases our faith!  Especially when we read that Jesus came to save His people form their sins, then He tells some to go and sin no more, or whom the Son makes free is free indeed these scriptures helps us believe that I can live free! When you believe it, your actions will follow!  Because you know Jesus will help and empower you to live free through the Holy Spirit.

  • What else can you read about, and it increases your faith?  Write it down in your notebook before moving on.

  • We read scriptures about healing, about God providing, giving us wisdom, power over the enemy, and so on.

  • When we read our word even the Bible stories it increases our faith.  Faith is so important because the word says without faith its impossible to please God!

  • So, we know that this is a faith walk and we must have faith.  I want you to take the time a see how many times faith is mentioned in the Bible.  Here   Yeah, faith is that imporatant.

  • As you go about your day think of a time when you had to have faith and write it in your notebook for Homework!

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the faith we need to believe in your word.  Help our faith to increase in you!  In Jesus name, Amen.


Fruits: Goodness and Faith

Video: David and Goliath

Worksheet: Mustard Seed

Quiz: Here






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