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Week 2

James 3:17

King James Version

17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

Long-suffering and Gentleness


Long-suffering-having or showing patience in spite of troubles

Gentleness-the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered


Fruit: Long-suffering

Song: Patience

Coloring Sheet: Job

Worksheet: Character Stories

  • Welcome to another week! Did you enjoy your weekend?  Do you feel like you have a long wait for another weekend?  Yeah, it does feel like that sometimes.  Do you like waiting for anything? Like waiting for your birthday to come around, or Christmas, or waiting your turn in line.  Waiting is a part of life! Sometimes it makes us frustrated to wait long, especially when we want a change to happen so badly.  That brings us to our next fruit of the spirit long- suffering!  Long suffering means having or showing patience in spite of troubles.  We will go through things in this life and sometimes we receive help right away and sometimes we have to wait.  God can help you to have long suffering, long suffering for when you go through things and long suffering with others because sometimes people can cause trouble in our life, but God can give you the patience you need to be able to deal with them.  When we look at the suffering of Job, he had lost everything he suffered greatly, and his change did not come right away.  He went through a great deal before his change came.  Thats long suffering when we can go through different situations and don't charge God foolishly, but we continue to trust Him in spite of.  If you have some time read the book of Job

  • For Homework tonight write 10 ways I can be more long suffering in my situations, with my siblings, or any situation that you need more patience in!  

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for blessing us each and every day to have food clothes and water to drink.  Please help me to have more patience, help me to be like my brother Job when trials vex me sore! In Jesus name, Amen!


Fruits: Long-suffering 

Song: Patience

Coloring Page: Job

Worksheet: Patience

  • Do you know who is the most long suffering of all? Yes, God! The word says He is long suffering with us.  We are so fortunate to serve a loving, patient and kind God! He shows us ourselves over and over again to make us like Him, so we can be perfect as he is perfect! It takes a lot of patience!

  • There are several others in the Bible who had to have long suffering, can you name some of them? We have Joseph!  Joseph was taken from his home and sold into slavery after serving his master for some time, his master's wife wrongly accused Joseph.  Then Joseph was thrown into jail for 2 years!  Can you imagine being in jail for 2 years innocent!  He had to patiently wait until his change came and it did! God blessed Joseph to be able to interpret Pharoah's dream and Pharoah then made Joseph second in command.  When we look at these stories of long suffering, they have one thing in common God always came through! He never fails!  Think of some other people in the bible that had to go through something and wait on God.  Write it down on your paper!  Did you know God put these stories in the bible just for us! So, we can have these great examples before us.  Let's take time to thank Him!

  • Let's Pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for having long suffering with us! Thank you for helping to be like you! Father, we ask that you give us long suffering like the Saints of old. In Jesus name, Amen


Fruits: Long-suffering

Song: Veggie Tales

Video: God's Story 

  • Who did you find for homework last night? I can name a few Moses, Three Hebrew boys, Daniel and Jesus.  Today I want you to reflect on their lives and ask yourself can I suffer long? Am I a patient person? Then pray that God will help you!

  • Write down these scriptures today and meditate on them:

  • Homework




Fruits: Gentleness

Song: Gentle Like Jesus

Coloring Page: Gentle

Worksheet: Maze

  • Gentleness means being kind, tender hearted! Did you know we can be gentle in the way treat others and the way we talk to others!  The Bible tells us to be quick to hear and slow to speak, meaning we need to take time and listen before we react.  For example, if your brother broke something that belong to you and said it was an accident, I'm so sorry, I'll fix it.  But all you see is that he broke your item and did not hear anything he said, so you react in frustration.  Did you know God can help you to stay calm and listen to what you brother has to say first?  I had a situation with one of my children: one of their younger siblings had something that they were not supposed to have.  So, the sibling snatched it from them and made the younger sibling cry.  How could the sibling have handled this situation in a better way? How could they have been gentler?

  • The sibling could have said you can't have this, it's time to put it up (in a calm, loving tone) then asked the younger sibling to give it to them.

  • Write down ways you can be gentler with your siblings?

  • Let's take a look at James 1:19 and Proverbs 15:1.

  • What does it say? Write it down in your own words.

  • The Bible also says "Be ye angry and sin not" so sometimes we may get angry but God is able to help us to stay calm and be gentle to others!

  • Remember quiz day tomorrow!

  • Let's pray!  Dear Lord, thank you for being my God! Please help me in frustrating situation to always stay calm and be gentle with others. In Jesus name, Amen!


Fruits: Longsuffering and Gentleness

Worksheet: Fruits of the Spirit

Video: Job

Quiz: Here



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