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August Weekly Lessons
Fruits of the Spirit 

This month we will do an in-depth study of each of the fruits of the spirit.  You will learn how you can be fruitful in your walk with Christ and how to bear fruit in your life.

Week 1

Remember kids as you click on links in these lessons do not click on any other links within that page unless directed by your parent to do so.  Links are highlighted in blue.  You will also need a KJV bible, notebook, pencil, color pencils or crayons for these lessons.


  • Fruits: Love, Joy, Peace

  • Song: Righteousness, Peace, Joy 

  • Coloring Pages: Here

  • Today we will examine the first fruit, love!  What is love? Let's see what the Bible says love is. 1 John 4:8 says God is love!  First, we must have God in our heart in order to know how to love like Him.  Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior?  If you want to produce fruit in your life, you must be saved and filled with His spirit.  When we are saved, meaning freed from our sins, we can ask the Lord to fill us with His Spirit so we can bear the fruits of the spirit!  Then we have to get to know God, how do we get to know Him? By reading His word! Let's read Psalm 1:2-3.

  • What did Psalm 1:2-3 say, in your own words write it on a piece of paper.

  • Law means teaching and direction for life.  So, Gods word is His law because it teaches us and direct our lives. So as the Psalmist said, we should delight in His word and meditate on it. To meditate is not to sit in a certain position with your eyes closed saying hummmm. No, to meditate is to read and think about what you are reading.  Think about ways you can do better at applying it to your life.  Think about times you may have fallen short and could have made better choices!

  • For Homework read 1 Corinthians 13 and meditate on it!

  • As we close out our first day remember the love God showed toward us.  John 3:16 says, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." He gave His son to make us free!

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for sending your Son to die for us!  Thank you for your love! Bless me to love you and others just like your word says! In Jesus name, Amen!


  • Fruits: Love, Joy, Peace

  • Song: The Fruit Song

  • Coloring Page: Love

  • Worksheet: Word Search

  • For homework you had to meditate on 1 Corinthians 13.  Let's take a closer look at these scriptures, if we look at vs. 1-3 what is the main point? Write it down on a piece of paper before moving on.

  • The main point is no matter what we do we are nothing without love.  For love is the fulfilling of the law.  When we love like this Mark 12:30-31 we have fulfilled the law.  We have accomplished what God says.  How does God know you love Him? What scripture can we use? Write it down. Hint (John 14:15)

  • We also must love others! What does that look like? Let's look at the rest of the scriptures in 1 Corinthians 13.  Let's write down everything love is and everything love is not on a separate piece of paper and hang this one up somewhere you can always be reminded of it.

  • Let's pray! Dear Lord, thank you for loving me! Help me to love you and others each and every day may I be led by your spirit and your spirit only. In Jesus name Amen.


  • Fruits: Love, Joy, Peace

  • Song: Joy, Joy, Joy 

  • Game: Printable Board Game 

  • Today we will focus on the fruit joy!  What makes you happy?  Write down 10 things that make you happy.  

  • Out of those ten things separate them from physical and spiritual.  Physical, are things you can see and feel.  Spiritual, are things that are not seen.  Once you separate them read this scripture:        2 Corinthians 4:18

  • All these things we see are only temporary, but God and the things of the spirit are eternal.  The Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  We must remember that, because something could happen to all those temporal things, but you want to make sure even still your joy is in the Lord.

  • Let's look at a man name Job, he lost everything from his kids to his wealth and his health.  But Job hope was not in the things of this world but in God.  And he said, " Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him."  There was another man by the name of Horatio Spafford.  He and his wife had 4 daughters and 1 son.  He lost his 4-year-old son to scarlet fever.  And few years later he lost his 4 daughters on a voyage.  It was then that he wrote the song "It is Well With my Soul". The full story is here: The story behind "It is Well With my Soul."

  • Remember it's okay to be happy about things, but our hope is in the Lord our joy is in the Lord! Whether we have or have not as long as we have Jesus, we have everything!  Be joyful today!

  • Let's pray! Dear Lord, thank you for all you have given me and more importantly thank you for saving me and adopting me as your child.  Help me to always be joyful no matter what I go through in this life. In Jesus name, Amen


  • Fruits: Love, Joy, Peace

  • Song: I Got Peace Like a River

  • Worksheet: Here

  • Today we will focus on the fruit, peace!  Jesus said "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." Are you a child of God?  If you said yes, then do you try to make for peace when situations come up? Maybe with your siblings or friends at church, are you the one trying to make for peace?  I would like for you to meditate on these questions today.  If you have not been a peacemaker, then pray and tell God you are sorry and ask Him to help you to be a peacemaker!

  • Read Romans 12:18 this means as best as you can try to live in peace with everyone. 

  • Living in peace with one another goes hand in hand with the fruit love.  When we love others as ourselves, then we wouldn't want to do anything to hurt them; whether its saying something mean like you get on my nerves, I'm not your friend anymore, I don't like you...or hitting them. However we want someone to treat us, we must treat them the same.  Remember love is the fulfilling of the law!

  • For homework: Write down ways Jesus was peaceable with men.

  • Let's recap because tomorrow is quiz day! Have you been going over your memory verse?  Make sure you do!  We focused on three fruits this week love, joy, peace and how we can love others, have joy no matter what we go through and live peaceably with all men.

  • Let's Pray! Dear Lord, thank you for being my God, so loving, patient and kind.  Please help me to live in peace with my sisters and brothers so that I can be a child of God! In Jesus name, Amen!


Fruits: Love, Joy, Peace

Video: Love Thy Neighbor

Quiz: Here

  • Before you take your quiz, write down in your notebook what you have learned from this week's lesson and if the Lord has shown you ways you can do better!  Have a blessed weekend!


                                                                                                                  Next Week--)

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